Thursday, June 21, 2012

First Day of Classes!

The morning started off with a new found friend doing abb workouts at 6 am on the deck (it makes it a much more entertaining experience when the deck is shaking back and forth.) Then came breakfast and after that I was on to classes for the day. Out of the three classes I am taking aboard the MV Explorer, the Marine Biology class I’m enrolled in is by far the most entertaining thus far. The teacher who teaches the course is the most eccentric teacher I have ever met.  He loves the ocean, absolutely everything about the ocean, and for the last 45 minutes of the class he directed everyone to the deck to look for flying fish (which I saw- they look like tiny humming birds from far away!)
I talked with my waiter today, found out he’s from Jamaica and has been working on a cruiser for 27 years. (He also has a really cool accent, sings to himself as he walks around with orange juice, and says “ya man” to everyone he meets.)
Overall, it is like being back in school again, plus scenery of constant blue, the faint smell of salt, and the constant rocking backing forth. J

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