Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 3 on the ship

I have now gotten used to the constant rocking back and forth of the boat. I haven’t taken motion sickness pills all day and have successfully completed the second day of classes. Tomorrow is my first midterm (so soon!)
By far and away, the coolest thing thus far is the wildlife that can be spotted if searched for hard enough while on the ship. I made the mistake of reading out on the deck yesterday in the afternoon and got very fried when I fell asleep (the sound of the ocean is so soothing!) Last night after dinner I was studying on the deck when I noticed a large number of people congregated on one side of the ship. When I went over, I saw a gorgeous whale swimming along the ship. It was spouting water into the air and then majestically swam away from us. Seeing the huge and beautiful mammal swim away gave an epiphany of how expansive the ocean is and how utterly small I am. It made me realize how fortunate I am to be able to participate in such an incredible experience.
Speaking of such magnificent animals, in the evening I was stargazing with a couple friends on the 7th deck (observation deck.) Out of the corner of my eye I saw this shiny object that appeared to be floating in the water. In examining it further, I saw a very distinct dorsal fin and realized that it was a shark!
I am going to go out and whale watch on the deck for a big. Cheers!

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