Monday, July 30, 2012

1 More Day Until Morocco

Tomorrow is Morocco! The only bad part is that Marrakech (where I am going for 4 days) has a weather forecast of 117 degrees Fahrenheit. 117 DEGREES!!! I can’t say I am totally looking forward to such toasty weather. :/ One other bummer about today is that all of the waiters I know on the ship are getting off in Morocco and a new group is coming on. They are all really happy though because they get to go back to the Philippines to see their families J There are these two guys who always wait on my friend Dawn and I (pretty young guys, probably about 23ish- their names are Don and John) and they were so excited today to be finally going home after 9 months aboard the ship. I have to admit, I am craving home a little bit (especially since the floor doesn’t always move when I try to walk on it.) I can’t believe there are less than 3 weeks left on this ship! It all has gone by so fast but every moment has been absolutely wonderful J


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